As a writer, you should not judge, you should understand.
— Ernest Hemingway


My plays include Presenting, the Queen of Hearts! (FEAST, Dixon Place), The Plot (59E59), Mother Maggie (New York New Works Festival, Theater for the New City), Golden Vanilla (New York Theatre Festival) and Spinny Twirly Things (Dixon Place, The Tank).

I am BFA graduate of Tisch School of the Arts' Dramatic Writing program.

My writing has appeared in Fringebiscuit Magazine, Breadcrumbs Magazine and others.


I began writing when I was eight years old, and writing professionally was my aspiration from that point forward. I also love directing and producing my own content for the stage and screen. 

Some of my other interests include figure skating, bookstores with good poetry sections, small puppies, iced lattes and cold pancakes.

Photograph by Margarita Zulueta